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PP-L Biosafety forms strategic alliance

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The UK’s PP-L Biosafety forms a strategic alliance with the USA’s leading consultancy of Bio-risk Scientists and Medical Experts

PP-L Biosafety forms strategic alliance
Dr. Ryan McAllister, CEO of BioRisk Reduction

US-based company ‘BioRisk Reduction’ is a newly formed company making leaders in the field of bio-risk management available to communities around the globe. The company was founded by Dr. Ryan McAllister, who is based out of Stanford University (Ph.D., M.S., B.S, RBP ABSA, BRM IFBA). Dr. McAllister, a high containment virologist by training, specialises in biosafety in clinical research, high containment research, and field environments.

PP-L Biosafety forms strategic alliance
Paul Waldeck, Chief Technical Officer at PP-L Biosafety

Like PP-L Biosafety, BioRisk Reduction has a global network of expert advisors and consultants. PP-L’s Managing Director, Paul Waldeck, said: “The synergies between our capabilities and respective missions, as companies, are significant and perfectly aligned to be able to help scale each other’s offerings and services to each of their client’s unique needs across the UK, Europe and North America. Humanity is at war with an enemy to which we are significantly outnumbered; it’s reassuring knowing PP-L Biosafety is not entering the war fighting alone.

Dr McAllister added, “PP-L have solid credentials in real-world applications, deploying engineering controls that eliminate pathogens and thus reduce transmission. Anyone with a biosafety background will know that elimination is the first control one looks to implement when reducing bio-risks. A primary mean to keep environments safe is to ensure effective air changes are implemented, coupled with filtration of HVAC systems.

PP-L Biosafety forms strategic allianceDr. McAllister’s states, “If we can provide fresh air to everyone within environments, a large part of the problem with transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is taken out of the equation.”  Paul agrees, “That is one of our primary goals as PP-L Biosafety, providing expertise to leadership regarding the HVAC systems. HEPA Filtration, ventilation, and UV inactivation all collectively play a role, and it is how you implement each of these together that ultimately affects the businesses bottom line by either costing for controls to reduce infections or costing from transmission fallout.”

Dr McAllister says, “The concepts of Filtration, ventilation, and UV inactivation are all straight forward, or so it seems. Young scientists say the same about a plaque assay or other scientific techniques. Until you roll up your sleeves and learn the nuances you likely won’t be successful. Having someone there who has done it before, a mentor, always helps. It’s a relief to partner with individuals that have practical experience in

and evaluation where BioRisk Reduction does not. SARS-CoV-2 isn’t going to be the worst pathogen we experience in our lifetime, although it is likely the experience that brought society to the realization of the risk of infectious disease.”

Dr. McAllister added, “BioRisk Reduction’s consulting, education/training, technical writing, risk assessment, and committee services collectively reduce the risk businesses or events face in regard to infectious disease civil, criminal, and/or insurance liability. Our services also provide an opportunity to relieve hesitations and/or reservations due to safety concerns of clients, past or present while providing a marketing tool to utilize over competition.”

Paul Waldeck says, “Society is beginning to demand safety in environments. Ryan and I are prepared for when society realize a company can provide that service. Ethically ran companies are taking the lead and the unethical companies that wish to survive will follow. Market demands will win as always, and I believe I speak for both of us when I say that the market will be shifted toward those that are providing safe environments.”

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