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Specific risks in educational facilities

Close interaction

Even before the current COVID-19 pandemic, education facilities presented a focal point of disease transmission, due to the repeated close and long duration of interaction between pupils and teachers.

Children become carriers

Once a child is infected, COVID-19 can be easily spread to older age groups when pupils return home.

Importance of schools staying open

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, schools, further education and higher education establishments have been under increasing pressure to maintain quality education for children and young people, while also preventing transmission of the virus. With the emergence of new strains of COVID-19 which may be more infectious to children and young people than was previously the case, schools are facing severe challenges in keeping staff and students safe when operating at full capacity.

Recirculated air

Indeed, some types of interior spaces may actually accelerate infection because of their ventilation arrangements irrespective of following Covid-Secure Guidelines to the letter, e.g. recirculated air/ceiling cassette systems or low level heating or floor grill systems.

How to achieve better biosafety in schools

The interior “air-security” and surface hygiene has to be priority given the nature of the hazard, so indoor environments now will need to reassess potential:

  • Ventilation airflow rate
  • Using HEPA filtration in ventilation systems
  • Supply of clean, uncontaminated air
  • Reduce staff and pupil exposure to bio-aerosols in all environments, particularly in classrooms, corridors, and toilets.

By achieving the greater of 10L/S/person or 6ACH absenteeism rates can fall by as much as 10%

Our solutions

As professional engineers, scientists and medics, we know how to target the infection risks intimately by designing bespoke solutions, combining established and proven engineering and health technologies, to take your biosafety and protection to a new level.

We are able to assess your buildings configuration, engineering infrastructure, occupancy use and risks. We then will model and engineer a bespoke solution to suit your asset risks and user requirements, through the use of:

  • Better ventilation air flows, distribution and filtration.
  • In-duct GUV devices in HVAC systems– One way to counteract the spreading of disease is with efficient air circulation systems, which will be fitted with GUV devices to destroy any airborne microbes while the air is recirculated through it. This is very cost-effective and safe.
  • Upper Room GUV systems and Medical Grade HEPA Filters– these can be put in place to reduce the localised spreading of diseases in key locations. These systems, when correctly specified, significantly reduce the transmission rate of airborne pathogens.

When added to good management practices, these infection intervention solutions help protect people to the highest level practicably available to eliminate and control the viral hazard.

As professional engineers, scientists and medics, we know intimately how to target the infection risks by designing bespoke solutions, combining established and proven engineering and health technologies, to take your biosafety to a new level.

Our solutions have been proven over decades in high-risk applications against other microbial hazards. Our products have 80 years infection intervention deployment and uniquely, helped reduce coronavirus infections in Singapore and Hong Kong hospitals and other important buildings during the first SARS (Covid) pandemic in 2003.