Air Cleaning: HVAC and AHU's

Airborne micro-organisms are not visible, so the ambient air in facilities is often dramatically underestimated. Once airborne, spores and bacteria can settle directly on products and accelerate their spoilage. In addition, machines, conveyors and packaging materials can also get contaminated by airborne micro-organisms.
Integrating a GUV disinfection device directly into your ventilation system brings your indoor air hygiene to the next level and is the perfect addition to filtration. GUV inactivates airborne microbes 24/7, is safe and reliable, and does not use chemicals, so there is no risk of residues.
We design germicidal GUV irradiation systems to disinfect air safely. The use of full fresh air or HEPA systems is not economical or sustainable. Germicidal GUV is now the preferred design, maintenance, and safe operation route for new buildings and refurbishment or retrofits into existing HVAC systems to comply with the Building Regulations Part F – Ventilation (as amended- January 2022)
This essential amendment was instigated by SAGE and Policy Makers in the UK in response to the Covid-19, which is a primarily airborne pathogen but also, their concern over Influenza pandemic risk and other airborne infection epidemics or pandemics in the future. The aim is to create pandemic resilience against airborne respiratory diseases within the built environment by improving ventilation, filtration, and adding air disinfection systems for new and existing buildings, whilst mindful of low carbon targets. It is economical and safe to recirculate air back into rooms when UV-C systems are designed by competent professionals.
We use CFD modeling to accurately design the lethal dose requirements to render airborne pathogens inactive and harmless.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling can be used to simulate the aerosols produced by people in a facility, as well as providing a visual representation of how they move and spread a part of the air flow and overall ventilation system design.
The use of these modelling methods allows us to suggest optimised solutions to help drastically reduce SBS and airborne pathogenic transmission risk between people within a building or transport mode.
If you do not have mechanical ventilation systems in place, local intervention is the best approach. These include installing devices such as GUV upper-room emitters and fan-assisted GUV upper-room emitters. We have a range of products that can provide maximum Covid air security in all types of facility.
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