WR: Air Decontamination Unit

The WR is ideal for smaller spaces; it makes use of the rooms natural convections to continuously disinfect the air.

The WR is one of the best performing upper room UV-C emitters. Upper-room emitters are UV-C lights which are mounted above head height and angled to shine upwards away from a room’s occupants. The WR is a highly validated unit, using the rooms natural convections to continuously disinfect the air. Warmer air, including the air recently exhaled by people in the room, naturally rises to the ceiling, where UV-C exposure from the WR inactivates microorganisms creating a safer environment for people to be.


Key Benefits

Safe 24-hour operation, even while the room is occupied

Cost effective

Easy to install

Easy to maintain – tube replacement only needed every 12,000 hours

Also suitable for humid room spaces

12.16 eACH (equivalent Air Changes per Hour ) in a 25m3 room


WR units are ideal for proximity areas that do not have mechanical ventilation and have low occupancy, for example:

WR units are ideal for proximity areas

How the WR Works

Warmer air, including the air recently exhaled by people in the room, naturally rises to the ceiling, where GUV exposure disinfects the air.

Problems with Poor Air Quality

Without adequate ventilation or other interventions, viral loads in an occupied interior environment can build, creating a high transmission risk. This is because airborne viruses (aerosols) can spread inside due to air currents, and then be contracted through the inhalation of these aerosols.

Technical Specifications

Dimensions (mm)

910 x 113 x 95



Maximum noise level

~5dB (A)








All of our GUV products have a standard two-year warranty. This, however, does not cover any damage caused by misuse or
any mechanical or chemical damage which is not a result of any defect in the workmanship or materials.
We recommend that the light fittings themselves are replaced every 12,000 hours in order to keep their germicidal effectiveness high enough (70% of original irradiation level) to be able to inactivate microbes efficiently at the correct Lethal Dose.

Additional information


Clinical Spaces, Conventional Spaces, Food Production Spaces, Industrial Spaces


Wall Mounted